‘Can’t buy me love’

Cheap date ideas

When you think of a date, what do you imagine? A romantic candlelit dinner is what most would say, but that’s far from the only option. There are so many alternatives that can save you more money than the typical pricey date.

Couples crafting




Being creative can go a long way in terms of saving money. Literally. Crafting can be a fun way to connect to your partner. Find an online tutorial and learn how to make something new with your significant other. Make matching key chains, friendship bracelets or even paint a picture. Getting crafty and laughing when you mess up is a cheap and enjoyable way to spend time with each other.


 Movie night


Another way to save money is to plan a movie night at home. Grab some blankets, DVDs and snacks, then cuddle up in the comfort of your own home. Instead of paying $8 for a movie ticket and two or three times that much for snacks, save your cash as movie nights at home won’t break the bank and are much more intimate. A cozy movie night at home won’t break the bank, especially if you look to places such as Redbox, or Netflix for cheap or free movies. Need movie suggestions? Try Passengers. It has suspense for the guys and romance for the ladies.


Picnic in the park


There is plenty of beautiful scenery in your own backyard at Wintersmith Park. Start there and make your own outdoor adventure.

A good way to spend quality time together is being outdoors.

If you own bikes, go on a bike adventure around your town or local park, and find a good place to sit and have a picnic before peddling back home.

This date can even start off before you leave the house. Instead of buying food to bring for the picnic, invite your date over to make sandwiches or cook something together. This adventure will cost little to no money.


Hit the trails


There are many more outdoor adventures to go on other than just picnic-ing. Hiking is also a great way to get some fresh air with your darling.

It’s super easy to look up trails near you, and the most money you may spend is on gas to get there. Websites like All Trails are great to find trails near where you live.

Planning a hike together will give you the opportunity to discuss destinations and make preparations as a team, incorporating both of your interests. During the actual hike, you will have plenty of alone time to talk and continue getting to know each other.


Give back, together


Lastly, volunteering is not only a way to spend time with your special someone, but it also helps your community. Every town has places where volunteer work is needed, such as a homeless shelter, animal shelter or  Salvation Army.

Finding a way to give back with your date will make you both feel a sense of satisfaction with yourselves and each other, bringing you even closer together.

There are so many more possible dates out there that can save money, so sit down with your significant other and get creative about your next date night.