A Story Worthy of Community Service Hours?


Once upon a time, there was a sweet high school girl who loved hot chocolate with extra creme and coconuts. One day this girl and her father were walking outside to their car, when they heard CRUNCH, CRUNCH, THUD! Scared to death, this girl and her father ran to where the sound had come from; the base of their oak tree. When they arrived to their destination what they found astonished them; baby squirrels. Their adorable faces and tiny little bodies were nothing short of precious. The girl looked anxiously at her father with a pleading expression. Her father grinned as if he read her mind.

Now this story you read above is no fantasy. This actually happened to Hanna Laurie, an Ada High School member and faithful member of the Journalism staff. She and her dad have taken in these two precious baby squirrels. When they fell out of their nest, what else could they do? Hanna and her family have had them for 1 week  now and their eyes have started to open!!! They are both boys, one named Bernard Geririum Dysufrious Osumum III, ( AKA Bernie ) the other being Mufassa Amni Berklinum IIIII ( AKA Berklie ). Here are just a few quick pics of their progress:

