Book Review: The Book Thief


The Book Thief

In this book, the narrator is Death.  He tells us about a young girl named Liesle Meminger and her life story.  It is 1939 in Nazi Germany.  Death has never been this busy and will only continue to get busier.  Liesle is obsessed with one thing-books.  In January, Liesle, her mother, and younger brother, Werner, are traveling by train to Munich when Death comes and takes Werner.  When Liesle and her mother stop to bury Werner, the grave digger drops a book, which starts the beginning of Liesle stealing books, even though she doesn’t even know how to read.

What happens when Liesle’s foster parents, Hans and Rosa Hubberman, let a Jew refugee, Max, live in their basement?  When Liesle steals again?  When her foster father gets sent away to fight in the war? Max leaves the house? When he gets caught? How does the story end?  Read The Book Thief to follow Liesle throughout her journey.

” The only thing worse about a boy who hates you: A boy that loves you.”  – Quote from the Book Thief.