Deca office Q&A

When asked all the same questions, the officers all gave different answers.

Q1: What is your role as (said office?)

Q2: What is something you want to see for Ada High, this year in Deca?

Brendan Anoatubby, Class president:

A1:  “As Deca Presidents, Kishan and I oversee the meetings, and help keep the rest of the officers on track, and in line.”

A2:  ” This year in Deca, I hope to see us grow as a chapter, progress, and learn what Deca is really about. Not just doing it for the competition.”


Kishan Bhula, Deca President:

A1. “Usually, Brendan and I are the leaders of the meetings, and we pull things together.”

A2: “I hope we make it to Nationals, and represent Ada High in a great way.”