Defending your Case with Mock Trial
Photo: Aaron Compton
Mock Trial is a class where you can learn about what it takes to be in the world of law. According to Mrs.Freeman, “Mock Trial is a class that students are given a court case, and they prepare as witnesses and attorneys to present and argue the case.”
When asked who can be in Mock Trial Mrs.Freeman said,”Students who desire to work hard both during class and out of class to develop speaking skills, and learning the elements of the law,and court room order and etiquette in order to present a case.”
This year’s first Mock Trial meet is at the end of January. Mrs. Freeman said the criteria of the meet is, “Students will be prepared to present the prosecution and defense portion of the case against another team. The team with the most points at the end of the day advances to the next round.”
Mock Trial is a class where students work together to win a case against another team. Mock Trial is an elective. If you would like to join ask for the class when enrolling.

Aaron Compton is a Junior at Ada High school and has been a Cougar Call staff member for the past three years. He is currently serving as senior editor...