Ouch, Something Bit Me!

Ouch, Something Bit Me!

It is no secret that most people have a strong fear and dislike for spiders, even the slightest bump is blamed on the eight-legged arachnids.  In reality, the most common source of a bite is from mosquitoes and even bed bugs. So how can you tell what is responsible for your discomfort?

It is important to rule out the possibility of other sources that could have caused the bite. Some doctors have mistaken an infection for a spider bite, resulting in improper treatment.  Spider bites tend to have a variety of appearances, depending on what type of spider that bit you. As for a bite that a mosquito is responsible for, you may notice a red, circular bump followed by a persistent itch. Usually, the mosquito will bite only once. While irritations  caused from bed bugs are generally small, red itchy bumps, unlike mosquito bites, the bumps occur in patterns and rows. A signature of bed bugs.

Spider bites can look like an irritated, reddish bump, similar to a mosquito bite. It can also appear as a circular, red mark inside of a larger swollen bump. The feelings derived from most spider bites range from a stinging feeling, like being punctured with a needle, a deep burn inside of the skin, and it may even seem to feel like an insect bite. It is important to note that spider bites can be life threatening and if one suspects they have been bitten, or experiences hives, shortness of breath, wheezing, or even weakness after receiving a bite, you should seek medical attention for these are signs of a venomous bite.