
Students- There will be a neon themed MORP on April 12th. You can now buy tickets at 10 minute break or from a senior class officer.

National Honors Society friday April 11th! All seniors must have paid $5 dues and attended 2 meetings. There are only two meetings left.

Seniors: Please check the list of names posted on the doors of the front office. There is a list of seniors who still need to complete their service learning hours. You must have these to graduate.

Leadership will be attending the “ADA CLEAN-UP DAY” on April 12th. Students can get 3 hours that day by attending. See Mrs. Walker if you would like to attend.

Spanish club meeting is April 7th at lunch! Bring food!!

The Chickasaw Nation is still doing math tutoring.

Headphones for sale in the library for $2.00!