15 Things You Don’t Know About Me: Paul McEwen

  1. I dug a big hole in my backyard.
  2. The hole is an underground fort now.
  3. My first concert was The Doobie Brothers and Chicago.
  4. My favorite color is blue.
  5. I like cheeseburgers.
  6. I like nachos.
  7. I like pie.
  8. Video games are a hobby of mine.
  9. I listen to music all the time.
  10. The hole fort I mentioned earlier is also a solid 6ft tall.
  11. This hole fort was not the first hole I’ve dug in my backyard.
  12. My phone is cool.
  13. The Great Gatsby is one of my favorite movies.
  14. I have “Fabio” hair.
  15. I wear button-up shirts every day.