Ada High School has the Hanging of the Greens
Every year each organization places an ornament representing themselves on a Christmas tree placed in the student center. Each ornament varies from organization to organization but each has a place on the tree.
Senior, Carlos Lerma, hung ornaments for two of the clubs.
“I hung science club and meteorology club because I am the President of both clubs,” Carlos Lerma said, “I have hung an ornament two years in a row.”
- Academic Team
- Art Club
- Advanced Leadership
- Band
- Basketball (girls and boys)
- Baseball
- Bible Study
- Book Club
- Cougar Call
- Choir
- Chick-fil-a Leader Academy
- Cross Country
- Cheer
- Couganns
- Drama Club
- Esports
- Gear Up
- Golf (girls and boys)
- Football
- Forensics
- Japanese Interact
- Key Club
- Leadership
- Literacy at Lunch
- L.I.F.E Class
- Inter tribal Council
- Math Club
- Meterology Club
- Mock Trial
- Preforming Arts
- Ruff Ryders
- Robotics
- Science Club
- Softball
- Spanish Club
- Swimming
- Soccer (girls and boys)
- Student Council
- Stagecraft
- Track (girls and boys)
- Teach Oklahoma
- Tennis (girls and boys)
- Wrestling
- Yearbook
About the Writer

Monica Guajardo, Staff Writer
Monica Guajardo is a 17-year-old senior at Ada High School and is in her second year of being a part of the Cougar Call. She wants to be a Nurse Practitioner...