In 3rd hour there will be a contest starting on Monday Sept. 15th through Friday Sept. 19th. The class that raises the most money during their 3rd hour class for win-win week will recieve a cookie party on Tuesday Sept. 23rd.
Math clubs first meeting will be Tuesday Sept. 16th in Mrs.Hibbard’s room. Bring your own lunch.
The Mr.Ada contest will be held on Tuesday Oct. 7th at 7 p.m. applications are at the front office. Talk to Mrs. Putegnat.
Pink Out Hangout at the Methodist Church 129 West 14th Street. It will be Sept. 16 after the Durant Game. Entry fee is $2 there will be free donuts and pizza sold for$1. It starts at 10:30 p.m and ends at 12:00 M. if you have any questions ask any StuCo Member.
Headphones may be purchased in the library for $2.
The Cougar Chase is Saturday, September 20th at 8am at Wintersmith Park
Cheer Regional Show-Off will be Tuesday, September 16th at the ACAC 7:00 PM.
The Pink Out Softball game will be Thursday, September 18th at 4:30. The Lady Cougs will battle Mcloud. Keith Howry will be participating in the first pitch.
There will be a pep rally Friday, September 19th during 5th hour.
The Pink Out Football game starts at 7pm on Friday, September 19th. The Cougars will take on Durant.
Saturday, September 20th the color guard will have a flap jack fundraiser at Applebee’s from 8am-10am. Tickets are $7 each and may be purchased from any color guard member or at the door.

Aaron Compton is a Junior at Ada High school and has been a Cougar Call staff member for the past three years. He is currently serving as senior editor...