Students of the Week

This weeks incredible students of the week are Cera Matthews and Tanner Stone! Here are a few interesting facts about the two:

Cera Matthews:

Full Name: Cera Renea Matthews

Age: 18

Birthday: December 22, 1995

Where were you born: Ada, Oklahoma

Siblings: Trae(23), Selina(21), Rhiannon(20), Anakin(14), Audrey(14)

Pets: Australian Shepard named Simon

Favorite movie: SALT

Favorite class: Chemistry of foods

Least favorite class: I don’t have a least they’re all pretty fun

Hobbies: Just music

Random Facts: I’m 5’1 and a half, Gotta have the half!, I love reading, I play six different instruments

Favorite Food: Chinese food

Favorite Color: Blue

If you could be on any reality television show what would it be and why: Cribs, I love fancy houses and I’m kind of  a weirdo.

Tanner Stone:

Full Name: Tanner Riley Stone

Age: 16

Birthday: 12-28-1997

Where were you born: Ada, Oklahoma at Mercy

Siblings: Bailey(13), Chelsea (20), Brooklyn (11), Cadence (7), Caleb(14), Ethan (12)

Pets: Australian Shepard named Bolti

Favorite movie: Ender’s Game

Favorite class: Tennis

Least favorite class: Biology

Hobbies: Singing, Piano, Guitar, and Tennis

Random Facts: I carry my Bible, I moved here this year, I made all-state choir, I sing in the shower, I used to run

Favorite Food: Spagetti

Favorite Color: Blue Blue

If you could be on any reality television show what would it be and why: HoneyBooBoo because it would give me a bigger heart for the poor cause she needs a dolla to holla.