Mrs. Mango Dishes on Dating
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Mango Fandango,
There’s a guy I really like. I have been trying to drop hints that I’m interested. I don’t know if he’s clueless or just not into me. What should I do?
Signed, Single and Smitten
Dear Single and Smitten,
Although it may seem scary, being honest about your feelings to this clueless guy is the best way to go. Knowing his true feelings could save both of you a lot of time. Step out of your comfort zone and ask him how he feels. Remeber to have courage. “A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.”
― William G.T. Shedd
Signed, Mrs. Mango
Dear Mrs. Mango,
I’ve had a few dates with a guy, and he has, on occassion, asked me to pay for all or part of the date. Is this the new norm for dating? Should girls be paying for dates or should I be offended?
Signed, Frugal Female
Dear Frugal Female,
It may seem rude but I wouldn’t be offended by this, there could be a number of reasons as to why he asks you to pay, such as money issues. Next time Iwould arrange a date that doesnt cost anything. Maybe having dinner at home or going to the park to have a romantic picnic. Keep in mind that some guys can be clueless when it comes to being romantic.
Signed, Mrs. Mango.
If you need advice or have any questions, email Mr. or Mrs. Mango Fandango at [email protected]. All emails will be confidential, and names will not be published.