15 Things You Don’t Know About Me: Giovanni Guitierrez

15 Things You Don't Know About Me: Giovanni Guitierrez

1. I enjoy running and being competitive
2. I am fluent in two languages. (English and Spanish)
3. My favorite college football team is the University of Texas in Austin. (Hook ‘Em!)
4. I like all school subjects equally (not very much)
5. I haven’t quite figured out what I want to be when I grow up
6. I’ve got a sweet mustache
7. You can usually find me swagged out in Puma attire
8. You’ll never fully understand my ways
9. My truck is like the size of your house
10. I am a straight A student
11. If I could be any famous person I’d be Justin Timberlake
12. My favorite athlete is Cristiano Ronaldo
13. I enjoy all types of music from Country to Rap
14. I am the oldest of four and I have 3 sisters
15. I am proud to be an Ada Cougar!

The 15 Things You Don’t Know About Me series will now be a regular column in The Cougar Call.  We will be randomly sending out questionnaires to both students and faculty… So be thinking of 15 Things We Don’t Know About You!