15 Things You Didn’t Know About Me: Mrs. Creed

  1. My favorite authors are C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton.
  2. I like listening to audio books while I iron or do dishes.
  3. I like reading mysteries.
  4. I have a master’s degree in theatre.
  5. When I was younger I looked into becoming a missionary.
  6. I am the eldest of 6 children.
  7. I like Snickers and Milk Duds.
  8. I was a Lady Pinkerton at the airport. I put people through the metal detector and their luggage through x-Ray.
  9. My class was the first one to go all 3 years through the new Yukon High School.
  10. I love to dance.
  11. I have been to Machu Picchu in Peru and to Japan.
  12. I was a professional storyteller.
  13. I like crossword puzzles.
  14. I have shot an M16 Rifle.
  15. I was in a female drill team that twirled rifles. I could twirl my rifle 100 times without missing. (The team was a civilian affiliate of ROTC.)