Clown Epidemic of 2016
Photo: Facebook
Wasco the Clown
A series of clown sightings in 2016 have spread throughout the United States and have affected at least 37 states throughout America.
Recently in Oklahoma there has been an outburst of threatening clown sightings. Ada has not been immune to these threats as there have been reports of people seeing clowns around town. One such report included students claiming to see clowns in their backyards. Tiyanna Melendez, AHS Senior, said she saw a clown when driving down Kerrlab Road and also down by main street, where two clowns were walking around creepily. There have been additional reports of clown sightings near East Central University. Rumors have circulated at Ada High that a clown has been trying to get close to people, but no official reports have been made.
On October 6, 2016 there was an early morning report from News On Six in Tulsa, Okla. about a man who was walking his dog around midnight. The victim said that a male dressed up as a clown attacked him, striking him on his head and was able to run off. However, he is now safe and did not need any medical attention.

John Wayne Gacy mug shot and clown photo.
Social media posts have popped up all across the U.S. about clowns making threats to people and schools.
This is not the first time clown hysteria has run rampant in the U.S. population has coulrophobia, the phobia of clowns. John Wayne Gacy is most known for being the original “Killer Clown.” Gacy killed and raped at least 33 teenage boys and young men in Illinois between 1972 – 1978.
The video below shows some of the country’s most prominent recent clown sightings.

Map of clown sightings in the United States
According to The New York Times , It all began in August in Greenville, S.C, when strange people dressed up as clowns to lure children into the forest. A property manager from the Fleetwood Manor apartments has gotten told by residents living there that multiple sights of clowns has been mainly there. They say to not let children be alone at night or be walking on the road or near the woods.

Map of clown sightings in the UK
One report on Fox 8, details a school in Hamilton County, Ohio that cancelled classes after a woman was assaulted by a male dressed in a clown costume. As she was being attacked, she heard her assailant make a threat against the students of the school. Administration took serious safety precautions and cancelled school for the safety of their kids.
Ada High principal, Jeff Maloy, made an intercom announcement to the entire student body that clown costumes were prohibited on Halloween dress up day at the school.
“There will be no clowns allowed on campus on Halloween,” said Maloy.

Jacky Lopez is a Senior Staff Writer for The AHS Cougar Call . On April 17, 2017 at the OSM competition, Lopez placed First for her Division III-Multimedia...