What does the AHS Marching Band have in store for the fans of the Ada Cougars?
Ada Public Schools have opened back up, after the months of summer vacation, and have experienced one of the best band shows by far, thanks to the Ada High School Marching Band. The Ada High School Marching Band is back at it again, working hard on another show for this football season. The show this year, “Breaking The Glass Ceiling”, is one of the most powerful and intriguing shows that the Ada High School has performed, according to many fans in the Ada Public District. Including songs from Rihanna, Zedd and Marc Schultz, the Ada High School Marching Band will perform at football games and contests in hopes to get into finals like they have done in the previous years. In this article, I want to talk about the band’s hard work to entertain and grab the attention of its many audiences, and what the show is all about in order to give you a better understanding of what this year has in store for the Ada High School Marching Band. So without further ado, let’s get right into it.
About two weeks before the Ada Public Schools opened for the beginning of the school year, the band was already back up on their feet ready to learn the new drill and music, set out by the Ada High School Band Director, Richard Howard. The band was quickly introduced the music and learned the drill throughout the many weeks that they had been given, leading up to the highly anticipated, first football game of the season. Even with new students added to the band, the band benefited due to the dedication and hard work produced by each individual.
On September 6th, 2019, the band performed the show of their first big audience inside the Koi Ishto Stadium in front of hundreds of people. The band performed “Where Have You Been” by Rihanna and the first glimpse of the second portion of the show with the song “Clarity” by Zedd, leaving with the audience roaring with cheers for the success of the band after putting in all of the days of their time and effort. The Ada High School Marching Band is still working to perfect the show and complete it as a whole, in front of more audiences wherever they may be. Every minute of every practice has been vital to the band’s success and will be until the end of the year. The goal of the Ada High School Marching Band is to put out the maximum effort and to improve it until the end of the year at finals, and they’ve been working as much as possible in order to please everyone that supports them and what they do.
Through early practices and late night practices, the band shows their dedication by reviewing and setting new drill while putting the new pieces of music alongside it, directing their full attention to the head drum majors: Morgan Urlaub, Tyler Brassfield and Erika Aguirre, so that the show and the players in it provides their full potential. The next showing of their performance will take place tomorrow and about every other Friday until the end of the football season. The band hopes that you will go out and support them at the “Koi Ishto” Stadium as well as the other student faculties that contribute to the best parts of the football viewing experience. And to sum this all up, football players and coaches appreciate the contribution of the band to keep the spirit alive throughout the game and you should too or at least enjoy it for the most part.

Tyler Bailey is a junior at Ada High School. He is beginning journalism as a first year writer for the AHS Cougar Call staff.
Besides writing, Bailey...