Hackey Sack at Ada High School

At Ada High School hackey sack is a popular past time. Hackey sack is a game that allows players to build better sportsmanship and coordination.
Hackey sack is a game where you try to keep the sack off the ground using only your head, feet, knees, and chest. Hackey sack can be played solo or in a group of people. The game starts when one person picks up the sack and throws it in the air and kicks it up before it hits the ground. If every person in the game kicks it at least one time its called a “Hack”
At Ada High School, everyone enjoys playing inside, not realizing that hackey sack should be an outside game. Ada High administration is beginning to crack down on hackey sack inside the school building.
Students caught playing inside the building will now face the consequences. The first offense will result in students being told to put up their hackey sacks. A second offense will result in hackey sacks being confiscated. For the third and subsequent offenses students will receive ten days in ISD ( In School Detention).
Mr. Maloy, the principal at Ada High School, say,s ” Hackey Sack should be played outside because it can be a loud game, and it distracts the janitors from their work when they have to get the hackey sack out of light fixtures or other high areas. Also, some people are afraid of being hit with the hackey sack who are not playing the game.”
Keep your hackey sack outside Ada High… or face the consequences.

Aaron Compton is a Junior at Ada High school and has been a Cougar Call staff member for the past three years. He is currently serving as senior editor...