Cat Fight Gone Wrong
On Friday, September 5th, the Ada Cougars faced the Ardmore Tigers for their season opener football game. The AHS student body sent the team off in style with spirited pep rally.
As always, the Ada High Cougars were full of spirit and enthusiasm for the game Friday. The cheerleaders pumped up the Pep-rally with high spirits and chants, Stuco put on a skit depicting how Ardmore got ready for games, and Dalton Woodward and Zac Watson jousted with an exercise ball. A pie eating contest resulted in the winner getting to smash a pie in Mr. Malloy’s face.

The game between the Ada Cougars and Ardmore Tigers was well fought, but the Cougars couldn’t pull out the win. However, despite the loss, there were still great plays made on the field.
The final score of the game was 41 to 32, giving Ardmore the win. The team was upset by the loss but not discouraged. The team will continue to work on any mistakes made last Friday and will go head strong into the next game with a fighting spirit.
Let’s continue to cheer on our Cougars!