20th Anniversary of Oklahoma City Bombing

20th Anniversary of Oklahoma City Bombing

In 1995, a truck-bomb explosion was set off outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City. The bombing was set off by anti-government militanst, Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nicholas, and Michael Frontier. All three men met at an army camp, Fort Benning, Georgia in 1988.

The bomb they set off left 168 people dead, 19 children in the day care, and hundreds more injured.

McVeigh was later executed in 2001. However, Nichols wasn’t executed. He was sentenced to life. Frontier was released January 26, 2006, after being in prison for 10 or more years.

Oklahoma City has a Memorial Museum and an app in the iTunes store or Google play for those who lost their lives and ones who were affected during the time. However, in the museum, the story about the bombing is told in chapters.

As the sun rises in the morning, the memorial tree lights up as if the tree is glowing by itself. This tree was put there for all the loved ones lost, survived, and affected by the explosion.

okc bombing tree              okc bombing memorial tree


In memory of the people who lost their lives during the tragedy, they placed chairs. There are 168 chairs for the adults who lost their lives and 19 smaller chairs representing the children in the day care who lost their lives. Each chair has the individual’s name engraved on it. At night, the chairs light up and bring a lot of emotion to people.



The “Field of Empty Chairs” is the exact place where the building itself was. The fences surrounding the Museum are filled with mementos and artifacts of the victims.

Across the museum, there is a statue of Jesus weeping. On the granite base, where Jesus is standing, the words, “And Jesus Wept”, from the scripture J0hn 11, are engraved.


This was a very bad tragedy, and will always be in Oklahoma’s history as one of the worst bombings. The families are still grieving even though it has been almost 20 years. Those people will always be in our hearts.