Will Ada participate in the teacher walk-out?

Photo: Maddie Manning
Ada City School’s Board of Education Office
The Ada City Schools Board of Education recently had a meeting on March 12 to discuss the possibility of the teachers’ strike in April. Talks of this strike have been happening for some time now, but the time has finally come for teachers to grab the attention of the state legislators and prove their worth.
All members of the school board either support the walk-out or just support our teacher’s decision and trust them to do what they, as an individual, think is right.
In a public statement Ada superintendent Mike Anderson voiced his support for the walk-out.
Anderson said, “This isn’t only about teacher pay… As the Superintendent of Ada City Schools… and with the support of the Ada City School Board of Education, it is my recommendation that we suspend school on April 2, 2018 to show support of our teachers in their efforts to bring attention for the need of a teacher pay raise and the proper funding of education.”
If the State Legislature comes to an agreement or plan to raise money for the schools of Oklahoma by April 2, the strike will not happen. However, if the State Legislature fails, the walk-out will take place, suspending school for the amount of time needed. However much time that may be, the school will have to make up time missed caused by the strike. Minutes and days will be added accordingly.
Teachers and parents were asked to share their opinion over subject. Noelle Brian, an Ada Junior High School English teacher, prepared a statement just for this occasion.
Bryan said, “In regards to a teacher walk-out, one thing needs to be made clear: we are not walking out on our students, we are walking out for our students… I do not support unplanned, disorganized protests…”
Not all teachers were completely supportive of the teacher strike, but it was said that our city’s Board of Education will be supportive of all teachers and their decisions alike.

Maddie Manning is a 17-year-old senior at Ada High and a second year member of The Cougar Call staff, working as the editor. She intends to cover anything...