Savannah Cloar: All State Band

A Junior at Ada High School made All State band on December sixth. Savannah Cloar, an AHS band member, competed to be in All State Band and made third chair wind ensemble.
When asked what it took for her to get in, she said, ” It took commitment. For me that meant getting up every morning at 5:30, staying up late at night, and practicing even though I felt terrible over Thanksgiving break. Also, all the practice I put in over the course of several years. You gain experience over many performances, and those performances build musicianship.”
Savannah Cloar is the third best flute player in the state. She will get to play along side Oklahoma’s most elite musicians. When asked how she felt about making All State Band she replied, ” I couldn’t believe it! When I saw my name on the sheet I just couldn’t quit smiling and staring. The next morning I even did a spontaneous happy dance when I was getting ready. I still can’t believe it!”
When asked how she got in All State Band she said, ” To be accepted you go through two different rounds in which you prepare a total of four etudes. The first round is held in the different districts. It happens at the same time as all district tryouts, but it is separate. They take a percentage of flute players from each district to move onto the second round. First round auditions include playing two etudes, a four octave C chromatic scale, a two octave major scale, and sight reading. The first audition was held at our Jr. High School. The second round was held at Westmoore High School. This round was exactly one month later with two new, and harder, etudes. There are three prelim rooms, and a finals room. In each prelim room 42 flutes, 14 from each room passed on to the final room, which consisted of 42 flutes. For the prelim room all you do is play the etudes, which are small pieces of music. When you move on you play new “cuts” as well as sight reading. Cuts are certain pieces of the etudes. This year those cuts were harder than any previous cuts I had gotten. From the 42 they take a symphonic band, ten flutes; an orchestra, four flutes; and a wind ensemble, which are the top five flutes regardless of your preference.”
Mr. Hall Ada high school’s band teacher said, “In Oklahoma high schools students grades 10-12 who audition for All District Bands and finish in the top half of those students who audition in their district are passed on to the second round all state auditions, which are held at Westmoore High School in Oklahoma City. Students from all over the state have four weeks to prepare an audition that they participate in at Westmoore. From those students, only the very top scores are selected for membership in the all-state band or orchestra. Ada had seven students pass through first round auditions to participate in second round auditions. Students who make all-state in Oklahoma represent the top 1/10 of 1 percent of all band students in the state, it is highly competitive and an honor for any student. Ada had one student make the all state roster and another as alternate, only four other schools in Oklahoma that are smaller than 5A put a single student in All-State.”
Congratulations to Savannah Cloar, Ada High’s newest All State Band member!

Aaron Compton is a Junior at Ada High school and has been a Cougar Call staff member for the past three years. He is currently serving as senior editor...