Food on the Run
Recently, Ada high students were informed they could no longer take trays outside the cafeteria. When the announcement was made, many students automatically thought it was due to littering. However, that was not the case.
According to Mr. Malloy the reason students are no longer allowed to take trays out of the cafeteria is beyond his control. “It’s a health code regulation, not a Ada high rule”
Students had different reactions to this new regulation.
Darren Hawkins said, “Truly, I’m not affected by it, but I could see how that if someone wants to go outside and eat wouldn’t be able to do that.”
Merle Cox said, “I think it’s not fair because we deserve to eat outside.”
Fair or not, it isn’t a rule set by Ada High School Administration. It is a health code regulation. Students are now required to consume all cafeteria lunches inside the cafeteria.

Tiyanna Melendez is a Senior Editor and reporter for The Cougar Call. In 2016 she achieved her goal of winning a first place award in state competitions....