Senior Softball Players: What’s next?
This year the Lady Cougar softball team included seven seniors. Most of these seniors have spent their four years of high school softball playing for this squad. Now that the season is at an end, we bid farewell to these girls who have become a big part of the success this year. Thanks for all your hardwork and dedication over the past few seasons seniors, and godd luck on all your future plans!
Madison Cartwright plans to attend Oklahoma University and major in pharmaceuticals.
Brooklyn Cupps wants to complete her basics at East Central University, and then she wants to continue pursuing a veterinarian major at Oklahoma State University.
Jordan Denio plans to attend Murray State College and pursue a major in veterinary science.
Stevona Gilbert plans to also attend Murray State College, major in sports medicine, and play college softball.
Lindi Robinson plans to go East Central University.
Alexis Walker plans to attend Murray State College, major in pre-physical therapy as well as play college softball.