Favorite Halloween Memories

Halloween memories are part of the landscape of the inner child in everyone. Halloween is the one night you can be anything you wish to be. It gives children and adults the imagination to see beyond what meets the eye and make lifelong memories. Keep reading for some of Ada High’s best Halloween memories.
“My favorite Halloween memory is when I went trick-or-treating for the first time with my nephew.” -Tiffany Allen (junior)
” My Favorite Halloween memory is when me and my family went to Fright Fest.” -Danielle Noe (junior)
“My favorite Halloween memory is when I was young, I grew up in a very calm neighborhood, and in this neighborhood there was this older gentleman. Every Halloween he would dress in a gorilla suit and scare us. We would never know when or how he was going to scare us, but we tried to prepare and it never worked.” -Kelly Lowrance (counselor)
“My favorite Halloween memory is when I was little me and my family lived in the country. So every Halloween my mother would spend three hours driving us kids around to get candy.” -Leann Beall
“My favorite Halloween memory is the first year I didn’t go trick-or-treating, So I bought four large bags of candy and stayed at home eating them all night.” -Katherine Cozad (sophomore)
“My favorite Halloween memory is when me and my brother dress up as a hamburger and french fries.” -Lorelei Hunnicutt (sophomore)
“My favorite Halloween memory is when me and my brother were trick-or-treating and my brother [tried] to ding-dong-ditch a house no one lived in.” -Alyssa Colungo (junior)
“My favorite Halloween memory is when my family would buy huge bags of candy and spend the weekend eating it.” -Gavin Kloski (junior)
“My favorite Halloween memory is when Izzy dressed as Georgie from the movie It.” -Jose Feezel (junior)
“My favorite Halloween memory is when my dad ran after me with a chainsaw.” -Jacob Monetathchi (senior)
“My favorite Halloween memory is when my son found out what Halloween was about.” -Ron Anderson (teacher)
“My favorite Halloween memory is the first time I went trick-or-treating by myself.” -Joshua Vaughn (teacher)
” My favorite Halloween memory is taking my kids trick-or-treating.” -Jeff Maloy (principal)
“My favorite Halloween memory is popcorn balls.” -Toni Jones (teacher)
“My favorite Halloween memory is when my face was stained green for a week from the Halloween paint.” -Megan Moiser (teacher)
Comment below with your favorite Halloween memory.

Victoria Evans is a free-spirited junior at Ada High School. She enjoys writing, reading and photography. She got into journalism from a fellow student...