Into the Ice Bucket
ALS, or Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, is a neurodegenerative disease. The common name for it is Lou Gehrig’s disease. ALS prohibits muscles from getting nourishment. It can lead to the death of motor neurons (motor neurons to muscles to contract and move). ALS most commonly is found in people of the ages between 40 and 70.
The ALS ice bucket challenge has had many different names throughout the years. Such as: The Ice Bucket Challenge, Cold Water Challenge, and the 24 hour Ice Challenge. People have been doing things like this for charity for a long time. Since 1904 there have been Polar Bear Plunges in Boston. The ALS has reportedly raised up to 94.3 million dollars in donations.
Ada High has recently begun accepting the ALS challenge. The video above depicts AHS Band Director, Eric Hall, accepting the Ice Bucket Challenge. The video below features HealthCorps Coordinator, Cady Merchant accepting her own Ice Bucket Challenge.

Becky Robnett is a Senior Editor, Reporter, and Columnist for The Cougar Call at Ada High School. She also participates in Ada High's Band, is in her third...