Thank you Santa
The night of Christmas eve, children snug in their pajamas and the mice tip toing their ways to the cookie jar. The streets roam with snow mist leaving behind frozen leaves and a cold sky. Everything in order as it has been every year that the colorful lights roll in and the puffed jackets are shivered in; all except for poor old Oscar.
Never has anyone loved Oscar. Maybe because of his sharp rigged teeth or his razored claws, but only has he ever wanted a simple hug. Even a glass of hot chocolate and a chat with an old friend would be enough; if he had a friend for that matter.
The windows homes would show perfect families as if they were stuck behind a picture frame, Oscar would take that as a way of reassurance. He wasn’t stuck in any picture is what he thought, but why did it feel he wanted to be stuck?
Walking down the cold street made him feel even lonelier; lightly scraping the sides of buildings with his claws lost in thought. Himself in his mind wasn’t scary at all. A big fluffy creature that had nice hugs and a contagious smile was what he was but that was not what other people had in mind.
“Why am I never good?” He whispers while staring at the frosted ground warming his hands. A faint voice far in the distance catches his attention, no one should be out in this kind of weather. He stays in his spot waiting for another sound only to get nothing in return.
That’s odd, never has he heard something like that on the night of Christmas eve. He takes slow steps towards the sound pausing when he hears it again. Oscar is scared for what’s to come but he needs to take a look, it’s his duty to become useful.
He continues his slow journey down the street into the blizzardious snow reaching the edge of the trees that lay along the edge of the park; the park where he would sleep most nights. Squinting to get a better look at what is in front of him.
“Santa?” His eyes widened. He takes quick steps to with a curious gaze in his eyes. Taking a deep breath and a little jog of memory he goes to tap on the jolly guys shoulder with his eyes squinched together. He does it quickly opening one eye seeing that he is face to face with Santa himself.
“Well hello there fellow friend” a warm smile is spread across his red cheeks. Friend, words that Oscar has never heard before. “Could I help you with anything, Oscar?” That catches his attention, how could he possibly remember a creatures name like me? It makes no sense.
“Ho- how do you know my name, sir?” A confused look is on his face. “I know every living beings name, you Oscar are apart of this world. That’s why I remember” Saint Nick gives him a pat on the shoulder leaving Oscar speechless.
He is at a loss for words, someone cared. “Ah let say you Oscar help me this Christmas, spread joy and happiness. Come with me to the North Pole, let it be a place that is the reason for your happiness” Santa reaches out his hand as a way of saying that it’s safe. Oscar gives him a smile, a smile. Something he thought never would be possible.
“Okay” he nods in a fast pace and grabs onto the fuzzy glove feeling the warmth as he steps on the sled in front of him. He finally takes a look around him, it seems brighter. The reindeer are front and center ready for take off, the snow blitzing around him seems like a happy place now that he finally has a reason.
Santa takes a seat next to Oscar grabbing the leash of the reindeers and giving him a big jolly good smile. “Are you ready for take off?” he pauses. “Yes, friend” he says back with an even larger smile, he’s never felt like this before. Happy was the most amazing feeling when you finally get a glimps of it.
Thank you Santa

Jaylynn Snider is a first year student of the Cougar Call. Snider is a sophomore in Ada High School, a few of her future plans are to go to...