Summer: so sweet
The winter season has officially made its way to Ada, America this year.
Jan. 6, the student body received a call that school was cancelled. Snow.
Like most people, I like winter when I have a warm blanket and a warm bed to cuddle up in. Every single time it comes, though, it doesn’t seem to happen like that.
One day, the sky is baby blue, no clouds in sight, the weather is peaking at 68 degrees, and the next day, two layers of pants and jackets just don’t cut it, with the weather peaking at only 33 degrees. It’s so inconsistent, and it leaves my allergies free flowing.
Meanwhile, in the summer, the sun is scorching the top of my head, and I daydream about how winter will be so nice and how I can’t wait to wear sweaters, scarves, and tall boots. Things are never what they seem.
Winter is nice sometimes, when it turns out how you picture it; everything absolutely white with snow, the fireplace going, hot cocoa in your mug. When the snow leaves though, it remains cold, except this time dreary. I’m not a fan of dreary. Nor am I a fan of wind. The cold, windy weather immediately sends me into a daze, where I cannot stop hoping for summer.
Summer; the hottest of the four seasons. When I’m dreaming about summer, I think about the coolness of swimming, long days with beautiful sunsets and sleeping in till noon. I never remember the excruciating sunburns or the annoying flies. When the time comes, I know I will be complaining about the heat and the never ending sweat… But right now it’s all that I hope for.
Between summer and winter: I choose summer.
I’m all about consistency and sunshine. They go hand-in-hand; the sun consistently shines. There is just something about light and having the windows down in your car. Of course, you can roll your car’s windows down in the winter, but you might get hypothermia. I like long days, too, where the sun doesn’t go down until 8 o’clock at night. Not to mention, you have so much free time in the summer: no school, homework or tests.
Winter definitely has its perks! Snow is always so gorgeous and beloved holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s take place. Wintersmith Park puts up amazing Christmas lights, and you have a good excuse to drink four cups of hot cocoa. I always appreciate the winter more, when I’m dying from the heat in the summer, but all in all, I love summer the most.
Winter: the most chill
The thought of winter for me evokes feelings of warmth and nostalgia. Winter is a time for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, New Year’s, Hannukah, and many more holidays. At Ada High School, and even just in Mrs. Weston’s journalism class, there is a big debate between summer and winter. I myself am on the winter side of the argument.
When I think of summer, I think of the endless sweat and heat that goes along with it. The high temperatures bring along bugs, sweat, and sunburns. I have to admit there are many positives to the season of summer, including popsicles and hours spent swimming in the sun. However, as fun as these activities may be, my hatred of hot weather trumps all of them.
On the other hand, winter is peaceful relief from the stress of summer. In the summer, once you reach a point of extremely light clothing you’re as cooled off as you’ll get. In the winter, it’s quite the contrary. You can always bundle up more or use gloves and hand warmers to keep yourself warm.
Another great thing about winter is the food. There’s nothing like a freshly cooked hot meal, and winter is the perfect time for it. When it’s cold outside, you can cozy up with tea, coffee, hot cocoa or soup. Even better, it’s also the time for comfort food. This means mac n’ cheese, casseroles, warm bread, and other rich meals. If you eat like this in the summer, the heat would make you sick, which is why winter is better.
One reason that I’m probably partial to wintertime is the sports. I have a love for skiing and playing in the snow. I also have a love for swimming in the summer, but the heat trumps the fun of it every time.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not someone who enjoys walking in the freezing wind without a coat. Yes, feeling that icy burn run down your body is something that makes you wish you were quite literally on fire, if it meant you could be out of the cold. Although, if I’m dressed appropriately, the wind feels refreshing and the cold is almost comforting. It makes you want to cuddle up with a movie or run around and feel the cool breeze against your face.
There are times when I think I love the summer more, and times when I think I love the winter more; however, when it boils down to it, I sometimes dislike the cold, but I always dislike the heat.