Tammy Sherfield

Q: Can you tell me a little bit about your background? Where are you from, where you went to school?

A: “I’m originally from New Mexico, I was born and raised in New Mexico. I moved to Oklahoma 5 years ago. I have a background in science and reading, I’m a reading specialist. My bachelor’s degree I received from The University of the Southwest, which is in science, and my master’s degree I received from… Eastern New Mexico University, I graduated from there with my reading degree… I taught for 20 years, and I started working for Gear Up, in May, the 28th.”

Q: What made you interested in education?

A: “I always wanted to be an educator, ever since I was little. I always admired my teachers, and I looked up to them. As I got older, I thought, to be able to be a part of our future, and be able to really educate and bring the knowledge forth, the best thing to do is to be an educator. I love kids, I’ve always worked with kids, from the time I started working I worked at the daycare, I worked at a Boy’s and Girl’s Club for 8 years, then I moved on into education. I have just always enjoyed working with kids, and I wanted to be a positive influence in their lives, and help them to be productive with whatever decided to accomplish or do in the future.”

Q: What is your job description as someone who works with Gear Up?

A: “I’m an educational coordinator, so what I do is I work with all of the adults. I work in what is called PLC, which is professional learning communities, so I’m working with all the teachers in the building as they’re learning the process, I’m there to support them and help them along within this new idea of communities. I also work with parents, so we do what is called a PLA, which is a parent leadership academy. So I’ll be working with them starting Christmas on a project for your district. I also work with administrators and budgeting to provide money and support for whatever is needed for teachers.”

Q: What is your favorite part of working for Gear Up?

A: “Of course, being in the school system. Getting to work with everyone in education and getting to be here with all the students. I really love that. I’m an educator at heart, so this is just what I love doing… being in a school district.”

Q: Why did you decide to come to Ada High?

A: “The grant that I work for. Ada decided this would be a really good partnership and they wanted to partner with Gear Up, and bring them into Ada. So they thought the services and the different programs and things that we offer would be perfect for their school district. So that is why I’m here, is because your administrative staff said ‘I think you’re great for what we need.'”

Q: How do you feel about Ada High so far?

A: “I love it here! All of the students are very well-mannered, they’re very friendly. The staff here is wonderful. Everyone I have met is very kind. I love being in Ada. It’s a very wonderful community, just visiting outside, the places I’ve been. People have been very lovely and just being in the school district everyone is very courteous.”

Q: What’s your favorite animal, and why?

A: “My favorite animal is a giraffe. I love giraffes. They’re just kinda odd looking, they’re a little different, like me, so I relate to them. I love the color, the spots, just the way they look, the different features that they have, they’re just unique.”

Q: You have mentioned that you’re not very familiar with Ada, that you’re new in town, is that correct?

A: “Yes, as a matter of fact, I moved to Oklahoma 5 years ago. My husband has family here. I’ve been to Ada a few times because I visited the Chickasaw clinic here, the hospital. My family is Indian, so that’s what brought us to Ada the few times I visited. But yes, I’m still learning the community, and as a matter of fact I got lost this morning in your neighborhoods. You have some beautiful homes over here so it was quite an adventure.”

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