In the air, a retrospective
December 19, 2017
Photo: Eric Crowell
Flying over Ada High, Cougar Call staff members capture photos to commemorate their experience.
The Fly the Ford experience is one I will always remember. As a fan of history, the idea of flying in a historic plane was an opportunity I’m thankful I didn’t pass on. After learning where this plane has been, what it has seen, and the stories it holds, I was more than excited to participate in the flight experience.
Loading the aircraft, was in my eyes, taking a step back in time to this planes heyday. I was imagining the 1930s, looking down onto Ada and the people and area surrounding the town. However, I was also full of anxiety. I do not like heights so I mouthed a prayer to myself and fastened my seat belt.
Soon, there was a sound like thunder… the first engine fired over. Another boom, engine two had begun. And three, the last engine sounded off. All propellers were turning in a cacophony of raucous noise. We begin to turn to the tarmac and make our way to the run way.
As we pick up speed, I am in awe and terrified. The wheels cease to touch the ground as we ascend to the air above us.
The view was breathtaking and borderline cinematic. I could see the college, the cement plant, the football stadium, the water towers and so much more. As every person and building began to get smaller, we began our circle over Ada. Camera ready, pictures are being snapped by other news reporters as I video my side. My partner, Emily, and I switch back and forth between cameras to get the best shots. We had to be sure we capture this moment in time.
We circle back to the airport and make our descent. Coming in hot, we hit the landing strip. The plane is jumping up and down off and on the ground until we maintain contact to the ground. We then cruise back to the hangers. Stopping and unfastening our seat belts, our ride had finished.
Being in the air and seeing everything was a high I almost can’t describe, it was amazing. I still do not enjoy heights, but the flight was an incredible time and I urge anyone to take the opportunity to go on the Ford Tri-motor tour. You will not regret the experience.